What and Why


Ascendio is a powerful CLI tool that streamlines the setup of a monorepo project. By automating the configuration of essential tools and libraries, it saves developers time and ensures consistency across projects.

What is exactly Ascendio?

Ascendio is a pre-configured project structure that simplifies the setup of new projects based on your choices in the terminal. However, it includes some mandatory configurations to ensure clean, well-organized, and well-typed code, making developers' lives easier in the long run.

Mandatory Configurations

  • ESLint: Ensures code quality and consistency by enforcing coding standards.

  • Prettier: Automatically formats your code to maintain a consistent style.

  • TypeScript: Provides static typing to catch errors early and improve code reliability.

  • Commitlint: Enforces consistent commit messages to maintain a clean project history.

  • pnpm: A fast, disk space-efficient package manager.

  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework, integrated via shadcn-ui for styling.

  • Lint-staged: Runs linters on staged git files to ensure code quality before commits.

  • Turborepo: Efficiently manages monorepos, optimizing builds and tests.

    These mandatory tools are integrated because we believe in maintaining high code quality, which includes clean, organized, and well-typed code. By including these configurations, Ascendio helps you create a robust foundation for your projects, facilitating future development and maintenance.