

To get started with Ascendio, follow these steps:


Before installing Ascendio, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js: Version 18.17.0 or higher
  • PNPM: Version 8.15.6 or higher

You can check your Node.js and PNPM versions by running the following commands:

node -v
pnpm -v

Installation Steps

Once you have the prerequisites installed, you can create a new project using Ascendio by running:

pnpm dlx ascendio@beta create

After running this command, an interactive terminal will appear, asking you a series of questions to configure your project:

  • Project Name: Enter the name of your project.
  • Optional Applications: Choose additional applications to include in your project. Currently, the available option is:
    • Documentation using Nextra: This will set up a documentation site for your project using Nextra.
  • Additional Packages: Choose any additional packages to include. Currently, the available option is:
    • CLI Package: This package includes everything necessary to create a CLI.
  • Addons: Select additional tools and configurations to enhance your project. The available options are:
    • Tests with Jest: Integrates Jest for testing your application.
    • Component Documentation with Storybook: Sets up Storybook for documenting your UI components.
  • shadcn/ui: Choose which shad-cn/ui components you want to include in your project. These components provide pre-styled and customizable UI elements to accelerate development.

These options allow you to customize your project according to your needs, ensuring you have the necessary tools and configurations from the start.

Final Steps

After answering all the questions, follow these steps to complete the setup and run your project:

Change to the project directory:

cd <project-name>

Install dependencies:

pnpm install

Start the development server:

pnpm run dev

Your project will now be fully set up and running. You can customize and modify it as needed to suit your requirements.

Happy coding your monorepo!